I spend a lot of time in the woods with my dog. He needs ( and deserves ) to get out and run daily – he just was never designed for a leash and 6 feet of non-freedom. And the truth be told, I kinda need that freedom too. Being in the woods is where I release the pent up stress, frustration and aggravations that can build up.
He and I frequently go to the “rail trail”. It’s a recreational trail that has snowmobiles in the winter and bikes and runners/walkers the other three seasons. It’s also an attraction for people who want their dogs to get off leash as well as a wildlife haven.
A week ago I was still walking on ice and slush and the beaver pond/swamp was iced in. Yesterday it was all mud…and ice out. It’s officially spring!
Two great blue herons wading the shorelines and a beaver working out the rust from an ice bound winter – and an almost full moon at dusk. No gloves or layers needed- and a week or so before the mosquitos hatch though I suspect the ticks are already crawling around.
But the best part – the peepers calling so loud you can’t hear yourself think, the surest sign that winter is over, a sound so delightful it keeps you up at night. It’s a fleeting moment – the peepers are only active for a week or so, but it’s like the best dessert ever.
Spring – yes!