Fine Art Archives - Jay Reiter Photography

Category: Fine Art

It has been a really strange run of weather – snow that seemed limitless this winter coupled with brutally cold temperatures, a dry spring that’s been cool and suddenly 80 degree temperatures. No transitions, no warning, no mud season . . . but the tick population is healthy if me and my dog are any indication – every time we come back from the woods there are ticks to be picked off.

The sky lately has looked more like fall – and I’m just constantly shaking my head at the nay sayers who say there’s no such thing as global climate change. I think they should go outside for a little bit.

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Out for a hike  to spend time with family…and do some photography as well…and came upon this old house. Judging from the beams, we’re talking a home from the mid 1700’s I’d guess. From the looks of it, years of neglect and a roof that no longer kept out the weather were it’s demise and it’s now being taken down board by board. The person doing the job must be planning on re-using the lumber…and he or she has an infinite amount of patience! I’ve done that work before and it’s not for a person in any hurry.

What caught my eye was the door – would love to know why it is still on – not doing much in the way of keeping anything out, but visually a real treat. So, thank you to the unknown person doing the work – you provided a very satisfying photograph for me!

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The past few days my nature writing and photography class has been working on a conceptual assignment – the disappearing season. Their task was to ponder that concept and in photographs and writing create a journal entry or entries. As I dealt with tons of their questions, I thought I’d take a stab at it myself – it’s easier to deal with their frustrations and issues if I’ve encountered them myself.

A walk through the woods to the river  and I came to realize I was almost too late – the ice is virtually gone, but I came up with a few images that seemed to work.

Looks like the disappearing season is disappearing quickly…here comes Spring!

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.JRR_5184JRR_5150JRR_5168JRR_5181JRR_5158JRR_5202

Bone-chilling cold, then mild Spring-like then bone-chilling cold…but not enough snow to make it seem like it’s already mid-January. That’s been the story of our winter so far.

And unless you’re a plow truck driver there a lot of people see certain benefits to the lack of white stuff on the ground – certainly cold enough for the ski areas to make plenty of snow.

Looked out the office window this morning and was struck by the wind swept patterns in the couple of inches of snow we do have on the ground – still haven’t bought that macro lens I keep promising myself so I shot from 30 feet up with a long lens…came out kinda interesting.

Would love to hear what you think!

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Anyone living in New England knows how lucky we’ve been – with the exception of the Thanksgiving storm the weather has been mild and snowless – bad for the skiers, boarders and plow truck folks, but good for the rest of us.

Can’t say I minded seeing the ground on Christmas, but I have a feeling the party’s about over. The river in Newmarket is freezing fast – out with the dog and a symphony of cracking and groaning ice as the tide went out. Thinking the rain is pretty much over – winter’s about to rear her head and blanket us.

Doesn’t matter really, we live in New England for a reason. So shooting snowless photos may be about to end – until then, here’s the river ice and wishes for a wonderful New Year.


I spend a lot of time in the woods with my dog. He needs ( and deserves ) to get out and run daily – he just was never designed for a leash and 6 feet of non-freedom. And the truth be told, I kinda need that freedom too. Being in the woods is where I release the pent up stress, frustration and aggravations that can build up.

He and I frequently go to the “rail trail”. It’s a recreational trail that has snowmobiles in the winter and bikes and runners/walkers the other three seasons. It’s also an attraction for people who want their dogs to get off leash as well as a wildlife haven.

A week ago I was still walking on ice and slush and the beaver pond/swamp was iced in. Yesterday it was all mud…and ice out. It’s officially spring!

Two great blue herons wading the shorelines and a beaver working out the rust from an ice bound winter – and an almost full moon at dusk. No gloves or layers needed- and a week or so before the mosquitos hatch though I suspect the ticks are already crawling around.

But the best part – the peepers calling so loud you can’t hear yourself think, the surest sign that winter is over, a sound so delightful it keeps you up at night. It’s a fleeting moment – the peepers are only active for a week or so, but it’s like the best dessert ever.

Spring – yes!

moon in swamp

Winter just won’t let go this year – it’s March 24 and the temperature is supposed to be down in the single digits again tonight. Damn cold walking the dog this morning, bundled up like a Siberian refuge and wishing the dog would hurry up!

Went to Heron Point this afternoon with the dog, thinking I could walk carefully and do some photos in the woods. Fat chance – the path was shear ice, way too slippery for a pair of newly replaced knees. One slip and it’s down the bank into the river.

Gave up on accessing the woods, but was able to get a path to the river with its glorious ice. The Lamprey River is tidal, so there’s a constant push and pull on the ice floes, and what little warm weather we’ve had hasn’t served to melt much. The result, ice shoved up against ice. Wondering what it looked like before I was able to get back out into nature.

Did manage a few photos – and will probably get back again before ice-out.

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Slush, sleet and freezing rain have always struck me much like a porcupine – pretty useless in the greater scheme of things. Porcupines eat the bark off trees – adding to the tree’s demise rather quickly.

Slush takes winter’s beauty and does a number on it, rendering a winter wonderland into a sloppy mess. Too heavy to shovel, it still grabs your car tires and sends the car places it didn’t want to go. (more…)

It’s like an old fashioned New England winter! A blizzard a week ago dropped 2 plus feet and today the 4 inches of new snow are being piled into 18 inch drifts as the wind howls and howls. It’s kinda nice!

So there’s this photographer – Jackson Carson – in Colorado. I’ve never met him but one of my co-teachers, Hannah Pasquale is the connection. She suggested I check out his work ( you can do the same at ). He does these remarkable detail and closeups – transforming the everyday into abstractions that befuddle the imagination. (more…)