April 22, 2009One of the things I like best ( and there’s plenty to like) about being a photographer is the fact that when you set out to photograph one thing you often end up with an unexpected treat if you’re not so locked into your preconceived notion of the outcome. Maybe that’s why so many photographers are accused of being cases of arrested development!
That’s what happened yesterday when I went to Cory and Julie’s to shoot more of their baby daughter Nola. My sense was that I would still concentrate on just the baby, leaving the photos of the family for later. Babies change so dramatically in the first few months that I wanted to make sure that those changes were documented. Julie was in a bit of a panic – where should we shoot, what should she wear… – which is so unlike the lady who is so cool during the mad dinner rush at Zampa. I guess it’s about being a seasoned chef as opposed to a first-time Mom. But I was certain that this would be a baby session, not family photos.
So, to try to get her to slow down and breathe, I just suggested she sit in the chair in the dormer and relax. The light was incredible – and I supplemented it just a touch with a snooted strobe off to the side.
The rest of the shoot was anti-climactic for me. I was so excited about this photo – and its really unusual for me to get “the picture” at the beginning.
Goal – photos of Nola. Result – uneventful.
Surprise – this photo of Mom and daughter in a world of their very own. Result – one very happy photographer!

Julie and Nola 4.22.09
OH VERY COOL! The lighting IS beautiful. The additional light is awesome. Its one thing to be able to set up a stage perfectly and photograph it, and its another thing to have your eyes open and catch something that was previously unexpected. You are awesome at that.