New Year’s Inspiration – New Hampshire beach photography
January 1, 2013Decided that since the beach is a favorite for me, it was the place to start 2013. Up at 4:30am, out the door by 5, coffee steaming and a thermos full for warmth later. At the beach and on the sand before 5:30 – more than hour to kill before false dawn, wind blowing and guess what…it’s not exactly balmy out!
Doesn’t matter, the air is crisp and clean, just what I need for a start to a year.
Shooting on a tripod is always an exercise in patience for me – I’m used to moving quickly and freely, changing angles at a pretty rapid pace. Sun still below the horizon but the exposures are climbing – started at 30 seconds ( an eternity to keep the shutter open) but now am at a mere 2 seconds, clouds are parting and the world is coming alive. The gulls are just starting to fly when I feel a presence behind me.
Fifty yards back from the tide line are two people – Eric and Courtney. Happy New Year exchanges are made, and I learn they’ve been sober for a year – they’ve come to the beach from Massachusetts to note and celebrate their accomplishment. OK, now that’s inspiration! I ask them if they can hold really still . . . they say yes. They really can hold still – the exposure is a full second and there’s no discernible subject motion in the photo. On a day when I thought I would only be doing landscapes ( actually seascapes) I’m shooting portraits also.
They’ve made my 2013 – and if this is any indication of things to come, it’s going to be a very good year.
I hope it’s the same for all of you!
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